

10000 Lincoln Drive East,Suite 201, Marlton, NJ,08053

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“ A Nationwide Mobile Notary Service that you can trust. ”

Check Out Our Services


Sale & Loan Documents

  • Refinance & Purchase Loans

  • Cash Deals

  • Reverse Mortgages

  • Loan Applications & Disclosures

  • Financial Documents

  • Auto Sale Papers

  • Seller Transactions

  • Loan notarization

  • Loan Modification


Legal Documents

  • Living Will & Last Testament

  • I-9

  • Acknowledgment statement notarization

  • Power of Attorney

  • Certified Copies

  • Designation of Beneficiary Documents

  • Business Contracts

  • Health care Proxy.

  • Advance Health Care Directive

  • Letter of intent

  • Affidavit & oath notarization

  • Adoption document notarization

  • Acknowledgment statement notarization

  • Adoption document notarization

  • Affidavit & oath notarization

  • Child custody document notarization

  • Contract notarization

  • Demand for payment notarization

  • Divorce document notarization

  • General notarization

  • Jurat notary acknowledgments

  • General notary document preparation

  • Power of attorney document notarization

  • Property & escrow document notarization

  • Property registration notarization

Get In Touch


10000 Lincoln Drive East Suite 201, Marlton, NJ,08053


10000 Lincoln Dr E suite 201, Marlton, NJ 08053, USA

About Us

Synergy Signings & Mobile Notary is a nationwide notary public signing service. We have a network of vetted mobile notaries throughout the United States. We are focused on delivering our customers state of the art services that are fast, efficient and among some of the best on the market. We are always committed to excellence, while also providing the support you need from a mobile notary.

Copyright @ Synergy Signings & Mobile Notary 2022 All Rights Reserved